Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Relativism, Please

Maybe a little more of that God-awful "moral relativism" and less absolutism would help our government get some things done for people here in the real world.


Today's column on tough-love talmudic ministration to Washington's power elite raises an important question: Why does David Brooks get a column in the paper of record? Discuss.


Thank G-D SOMEONE is finally ministering to the well-heeled! It's about time faith leaders started comforting the comfortable and afflicting the afflicted.

Yeesh. Bleh. And ick.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Welcome to David Brooks Is a Fool, the premier blog dedicated to the pompous and pointless maunderings of whatshisname.

Name dropping, obscure academic and policy references, phony conservatism, intellectually dishonest argumentation -- Brooks has it all! And DBIAF aims to explicate.

Why? Because in your heart, you know he's wrong. And a fool.

Here's some of the things we'll feature:

  • Hyperliterate references and citations
  • Awful argumentation
  • Intellectual dishonesty
  • Phony conservatism
  • Wrongheaded cultural perceptions

So come on! Share your thoughts! Tell us what you think is awful, silly, pompous or generally atrocious about David Brooks's writings in the New York Times. Highlight a particular column, or paint with a broad brush. Just join the conversation.

We want to hear from you!
Rich Pliskin