Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boundless Brooks

It's astonishing that David Brooks can take these very critical positions against Mitt Romney -- basically agreeing with Gail Collins and everyone else that there is no discernible Mitt Romney -- and still favor him for election.

There You Go Again

Once again, he proves that his intellectual dishonesty is boundless.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Brooks Renounces Enlightenment, Abandons Skepticism

"If your mother tells you she loves you, check it out."

That's a journalistic chestnut. Brooks needs to be reminded of it in light of today's column, in which he hails the return of "Moderate Mitt." How gullible can he be?

How does Brooks know that Moderate Mitt, and not Severely Conservative Mitt or 47 Percent Mitt or Let 'Em Die in the ER Mitt is the real Romney? Brooks lacks even the patina of journalistic skepticism.

What an abdication.