Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh No You Didn't

Did Brooks really tag the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations as anti-Semitic in today's column?

I think he did!

"Take the Occupy Wall Street movement. This uprising was sparked by the magazine Adbusters, previously best known for the 2004 essay, Why Won’t Anyone Say They Are Jewish? — an investigative report that identified some of the most influential Jews in America and their nefarious grip on policy."

What a putz.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Brooks laments what he declares to be the lack of innovation in America today, variously the "innovation slowdown" and "innovation stagnation."

Well, Dave, it certainly doesn’t help that our political leaders don’t believe in science, anthropology or climate change; that they put more faith in faith than in ideas; and that they block public investment in science, research and things like, oh, alternative energy. Like the Green Economy Brooks slammed a couple of weeks ago for not having created 300 million new jobs in two years.

Best Unsupported, Ideological Swipe

“... the environmentalist ethos has undermined the faith in gee-whiz technological wizardry.” So it’s all the fault of environmentalism?

Gratuitous References to Obscure Writers

• Michael Mandel
• Tyler Cowen
• Neal Stephenson
• Peter Thiel

Unnecessary Reference to Overused Thinker
  • Einstein

Boy, Gomer! That Brooks feller sure is smart!